More priority logics and services via smartphone.

To guide the patient journey in the most efficient way.

Mr You solutions for Blood Test Centres use different priority logics and make it possible to differentiate every service. After check-in, patients can go to the specimen collection room while the monitors display clear information on calls.
The process can be made even more fluid and functional according to the needs of each facility with users’ handling of check-in procedures via smartphone and web.

High automation and reliability.

Processes that reduce errors.

If waiting times get longer and the exchanges between patients, medical and administrative staff are complex, the possibility of errors increases. Mr You offer a highly-automated service that goes from accreditation to delivery of biological material, to the collection of test tubes, to blood sampling and delivery at the end of the day.
The whole process becomes faster and ensures accurate test results. Records can be collected directly from our Kiosks24/7 with marked improvement of patient experience. This system gives maximum reliability and patients enjoy the pleasant and quick reception system.

How does the system work?

Quick procedures to eliminate waiting time.

Users make a booking at the digital kiosk, they are called to the desk to check in and the monitors will inform them when it is their turn to go to a blood collection booth. The system makes it possible to manage intermediate stations such as the desk for delivery of biological material, by adding a second queue number on the same ticket issued by the kiosk. Those who have made a booking online can access the blood collection booth after registering at the kiosk for automatic check-in. The kiosk verifies the booking conditions via the healthcare card and issues an alphanumerical ticket. The check-in procedure requires only a few seconds, waiting time is eliminated and the workload of desk staff reduced.
The blood collection healthcare staff calls the patients from a console/PC while the test tubes are automatically labelled. The reading and confirmation of blood collection is checked by a scanner.

Advantages for Blood Test Centres

Blood Test Centre

Optimization of waiting times and improvement of call loads at blood collection booths.

Blood Test Centre

Assistance to fragile users through dynamic implementation of intelligent call systems.

Blood Test Centre

Waiting time perceived as shorter thanks to the viewing of communication contents.

Blood Test Centre

Online monitoring of main KPIs by managers.